My brother is a bright guy. He was always getting better grades than me in school. He is an architect, so he has this ability to understand numbers and be creative at the same time.
Today we were discussing Sarah Palin and the voters in this country. In the past few days there have been a few reports of McCain winning over white female voters in this country because of Sarah Palin. I don't get it. I don't understand choosing a book based on its cover, especially in this case. Palin might actually become president. McCain is the oldest presidential nominee we have ever had, and he's not dying now, but 4 years at his age is a LONG time. Palin is a good looking, young, female Republican. But she is also a supporter of aerial hunting of wolves in Alaska. She believes that getting oil from ANWR will benefit the country and won't impact the environment, or at least she's willing to forgo the environment for what is BELIEVED to be "about a year and a half worth of U.S. oil consumption and many months of natural gas."
I wonder why we are talking about sucking more from our environment when we don't even know if we will have a planet and safe ground to live on 20 years from now. Shouldn't we be focused on creating new energy sources. I am not smart enough to tell you which one, but I do know that the one that we have been using for the past century isn't working- it's killing the environment and it's not sustainable, because for some reason, we keep going to war over it.
So, back to the part about voters being smart. Why is it that all the sudden all of these women are flocking to Sarah Palin? Who are these women, why don't they care about her disregard for the environment? Or is it because she's not pro-choice? I wonder if it's because people don't educate themselves. So, as a woman, I ask that these women at least read the following two articles and you decide what's best for your country, for your earth, for your family...
Article 1
Article 2
1 week ago
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