and I have to say "thank god." I swear if the tax payers have to pay for some really stupid decisions on the part of other Americans we might as well become socialists. I work my tail off most days and I have been working my tail off since I was in high school. I still have school loans, I don't own my car, I don't own a house. I am trying to take care of my debt before I get a bunch more. And this day in age, with all of the uncertainty in the market, I am not going to be able to get a loan for a house, because some people made some REALLY DUMB decisions. And now they are telling me that not only do I not qualify for a home loan anymore because I don't have 20% down, (even with excellent credit) but on top of that, those tax dollars you pay, those are going to bail out these greedy people who were at one point living the American Dream. It's not fair.
And if there is one thing I get after working in the corporate world for the past 10 years, is that life is not fair. But do we need the government to say it now too?!?!? I am an optimist. I am always looking for the situation that will please everyone. But I really feel like we are missing something big here. There HAS to be a way for us to prevent the failing of more large banks and financial institutions but also doesn't stop our entire economy from growing. And I should note that it should also not further separate the elitist upper class and the quickly booming lower income class.
I studied Economics, and I KNOW that there are some REALLY smart Economists out there that we could really use to shake some sense into our leaders. When Corporations attempt to break into a new market. The first thing they do is RESEARCH. They find the smartest people in the field and they get them in-house to help break into that new market. Now, all the sudden the government is setting economic policy that will help or hinder our nations ability to grow for decades to come and they clearly haven't talked to anyone with any real intelligence on the matter.
Maybe they need to poll some creative economics students... Get the people who haven't fallen victim to the "system" yet and can still think outside of the box.
I did just read this quote on another blog and fell in love:
"Capitalism will always survive in the United States as long as the government is willing to use socialism to bail it out." - Nathra Nader, Ralph Nader's father
1 week ago
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